Suus: The Rescued Dachshund Who Found Her True Home
Guest post by Nadia Hermans from Belgium in which she tells the story of her dachshund Suus, a former mill dog who is doing great at the age of 17. When I saw Nadia’s photo of Suus in her custom stroller, I had to know more! Nadia kindly shared Suus’ story–Eileen Anderson How Suzanne […]
Teaching an Old Dog How to Play with a Food Toy
You can teach an old dog a new trick, and you might be surprised how much she enjoys it! Research studies suggest that one thing that can slow the course of dementia is for senior dogs to have a lot of enrichment in their lives. In the laboratory studies, the enrichment consisted of getting exercise, social time with […]
Causes of Dementia and Dementia-Like Conditions in Dogs
Age related cognitive decline is not the only condition that causes dementia in dogs. Some other conditions that can cause dementia include: brain tumors; brain trauma or other acute injury; encephalitis from various causes; tick-borne diseases; and liver abnormalities. You can consult the Merck Manual online for more information on these, but please also take your dog […]