Canine Cognitive Dysfunction: What You Need To Know

small black dog with canine cognitive dysfunction facing wallJoseph's husky sits and stares into space a lot. Shameka's Russell terrier paces for several hours each night. Emilia's small mixed breed has lost his house training. He comes in the doggie door and eliminates in the house right in front of her. And Teri's dachshund suddenly gets scared of Teri's son, even though the [...]

Stages of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

rat terrier with dementia sitting awkwardly under a chair

Canine cognitive dysfunction is a disease that is caused by brain changes in aging dogs. It’s similar to Alzheimer’s. A recent study identified three stages in canine cognitive dysfunction. Stage 1, MILD: Changes in sleep patterns and slight changes in social interactions with owners. Stage 2, MODERATE: Hyperactivity at night, starting to lose house training, and […]

Poop in My Pocket: Life With an Old, Old Dog

tri-color rat terrier sleeping surrounded by pillows to keep her from rolling off bed

This story is from 2012 when Cricket was still with me, previously published on The very first thing I do every morning when I wake up is turn over and take a careful look at my very old dog Cricket. She has a special place on the bed surrounded by pillows on three sides […]

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Book Wins Maxwell Award

Maxwell Award Medallion for 2016 book on health

My book won! I’m proud to announce that Remember Me? Loving and Caring for a Dog with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction has won a Maxwell Award for 2016. The Maxwells are awarded yearly by the  Dog Writers Association of America.  My book won best book in 2016 in the category of Behavior, Health or General Care. The winners in […]