I live in the mid-Southern U.S. and have two dogs. I have bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music (performance), and a master’s degree in applied science with an emphasis on Active Sound Cancellation (noise control). I am retired from a wonderful non-profit agency that helped impoverished women access health services. I keep my hand in the technical world doing database design, Apple tech support for friends, and acoustics projects for sound-sensitive dogs. I have worked as a performing musician and a university-level math teacher. I worked my way up the ranks in the publishing world, starting as a proofreader.
I do freelance fact-checking on the topics of acoustics and behavior science, and freelance editing for both non-fiction and fiction. Contact me through the contact page for rates.
I write the award-winning eileenanddogs blog, where I share information on training and living with three dogs. I have also published articles in the Pet Professional Guild’s magazine BARKS from the Guild, the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants’ Journal, and Clean Run, the agility magazine. I teach a yearly writing mentorship through IAABC.
In 2021 I published Puppy Socialization: What It Is and How to Do It with co-author Marge Rogers. If you have or are expecting a puppy in your life, please check it out!
I currently have two dogs: Clara (who was born feral and will probably not have any titles but is smart as a whip), and my god-dog Choo Choo, a chihuahua mix who is also extremely clever. Both are mixed breeds, and both were directly rescued by me. You can read more about my dogs on their page on my other blog.
By the way, I have no beef with people who want purebred dogs and support responsible breeders, but I will probably always have rescue dogs myself.
From 2002 to 2013 I shared my life also with my dear little rat terrier Cricket. I got her from Ratbone Rescues as a middle-aged dog and she was probably about 17 or older when I had to let her go. She had canine cognitive dysfunction starting around age 15 or so, and is featured in many photos and movies on this site.
This site is dedicated to Cricket and all senior dogs.
Eileen Anderson, MM, MS